CASE STUDY Greater Boston Office Search

- 313 Washington Street, Newton, MA
- Lease Termination & Turnkey Relocation
- ±8,200 RSF Termination
- ±3,700 RSF Relocation
- Tenant Representation
“We couldn’t be more grateful for the hard work and dedication that the team at Lee & Associates Boston brought to the table. Their efforts were invaluable in facilitating the termination of our existing lease and relocating our team to a turnkey office space. Their expansive expertise and negotiation skills made the entire process seamless, and it was evident that they were committed to our success every step of the way. We are truly thankful for their partnership.”
- CEO, Sapers & Wallack
For more information regarding this case study, please contact:
Managing Principal | President
D (617) 869-4605
The Challenge
Sapers & Wallack, a comprehensive insurance, benefits, and wealth management services firm founded in 1932, faced a real estate challenge due to the pandemic. Their leadership team, who works with various clients ranging from Fortune 500 corporations to family-owned businesses, needed to find a way to reboot their space needs by subleasing or terminating their existing lease. The goal was to find a suitable space that met their current needs and budget while minimizing financial losses.
Our Approach
The Lee & Associates Boston team started by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the client’s current lease and space requirements. The team then leveraged their extensive network and market knowledge to identify suitable sublease opportunities and alternative space options. After identifying a turn-key space that best fit their needs, they were able to negotiate and secure with the landlord favorable lease terms that also minimized the client’s financial losses. At the same time, Lee & Associates was able to successfully negotiate a lease termination for Sapers & Wallack’s current space which contributed to their overall cost savings.
The Outcome
Immediately after moving into their new office space, Sapers & Wallack saw a significant improvement in operational efficiency and an increase in productivity. Being in a more suitable and functional space that offered employees a better working environment and amenities enhanced employee morale. They also experienced substantial cost savings due to the termination of their previous lease and the negotiation of favorable lease terms for their new space. Overall, the successful termination and turnkey relocation had a strong positive impact on Sapers & Wallack’s organization, allowing them to operate more efficiently, save costs, and improve their employees’ overall well-being.