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SANTA ANA, CA | October 19, 2020 - The Office Advisory Group (Marshal Vogt, Matt Orville, and Jaimeson Hearne) of Lee & Associates with the help of partner Jack Haley negotiated the sale of 16.5 acres to Amazon on behalf of Caribou Industries. With frontage along the 5 freeway and easy access to the Orange Crush where the 5, 22 and 57 Freeways interconnect, 625 N Grand is an integral piece to Amazon’s expansion plans in Southern CA.
The sale price of over $63 million is one of the largest Orange County transactions of 2020 and is a huge win for the transformation of Downtown Santa Ana as it continues to make strides to bring big names to the city. There are a lot of companies that see value in being neighbors with one of the largest companies in the world.
Santa Ana has not sat still during the lockdown. Construction of the OC Streetcar has accelerated (expected delivery 2023), the close to $1 Billion Civic Center renovation is near complete, and there are numerous development projects in progress/planning with residential, hotels and retail leading the way.
The OFFICE ADVISORY GROUP provides expert commercial real estate brokerage and advisory services for building owners, tenants/occupants, and investors throughout Orange County, Southern California and beyond. As owners of commercial real estate property and owners of our company, we understand the decisions, trials, and tribulations our clients face. With firsthand experience, we are able to offer expert advice strategically focused on the needs of owners, and we have the authority to make decisions directly related to the assignment at hand without any corporate interference or delays. When we formed the OFFICE ADVISORY GROUP, we implemented a motto: “Persistence is everything!” What does this mean to our clients? WE NEVER GIVE UP!!! Our 3-member team is engaged with every assignment and each one of us will see every sale, investment, lease, etc. to the end.
Lee & Associates offers an array of real estate services tailored to meet the needs of the company’s clients, including commercial real estate brokerage, integrated services, and construction services. Established in 1979, Lee & Associates is now an international firm with offices throughout the United States and Canada. Our professionals regularly collaborate to make sure they are providing their clients with the most advanced, up-to-date market technology and information. For the latest news from Lee & Associates, visit lee-associates.com or follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Link, our company blog.